Health and Safety
Home About Health and Safety
Considering the importance health and Safety of our students, Rato Bangala School always priotize the importance of student’s needs.

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Safety First at RBS

We believe that safety should always come first and every decision we make keeps this in mind.

Infirmary with full time Nurse 

Full time certified Nurse is on duty in the Infirmary during school hours.

Earthquake Safety

Earthquake drills are regular and earthquake safety protocols are in place with a team that oversees it.

Pandemic Related Safety Protocols 

The leadership team of the school has worked closely with public health professionals to design strict safety protocols during the Covid 19 pandemic. In-person school has opened in gradual phases and multi-layered safety plans have  been implemented to keep all the students and the staff safe which includes masks,physical distancing, attendance policies,cleanliness and hygiene, use of hand sanitizers and hand washing at conv lenient stations and  temperature checks at the gates.Detailed safety protocols are available to all students, parents and staff members.


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